Learning at Next Step
If you are over the age of 19, you have a goal in mind and you're looking to upgrade your skills, we can help you obtain that goal. All our services are free, confidential and tutoring takes place one-to-one. If you are not sure if we can help you or somebody you know, you can contact us by filling out our contact form, call us, drop by at our office or email us.
We offer the option of coming into the building and learning face-to-face while abiding by the recommended COVID guidelines, we also have a learning platform in place that allows our tutors and learners to work virtually if they prefer to do so.
We provide assistance with:
Beginning reading, writing, and math /numeracy skills
CAEC (Canadian Adult Education Credential, the replacement for the GED)
Individual high school credits
Alliston Learning Centre support(incl. ESL) online or correspondence
College entrance prep aptitude testing
Public Services Aptitude testing prep for the Canadian Forces, Border Services, Canadian Police, Canadian Firefighter, and Correctional Services
Digital literacy (limited capacity, eligibility criteria apply)
Driver’s Education support
Next Step is one of many Community Literacy Agencies in Ontario. Every Literacy Agency delivers Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) training to adult learners. Learners in LBS generally work towards one of the following goals:

Our Process
Make contact with Next Step
Set up an appointment
Have an informal interview
Tell us your goals/needs
We develop a program for you
Be matched with a tutor

Statistics Canada defines literacy as follows: 'The information processing skills necessary to use printed material commonly encountered at work, at home, and in the community.'
Many people think that literacy is just that, but according to the Literacy Basic Skills Program which we follow at Next Step, literacy also includes numeracy (basic math) and other essential skills that help learners achieve their goals related to further education or training, employment, or independence. For most learners, improving literacy skills leads to increased self-esteem and self-confidence.
If you'd like to read more about how important literacy is in our society, you can read Community Literacy of Ontario's report: "Literacy: Why It Matters"
http://www.communityliteracyofontario.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/Literacy-Why-it-Matters-Digital.pdf .
OuR Programs
Canadian Adult Education Credential Preparation Course
The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) tests cover the same subjects that you study in high school. The five subject areas are Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics. You will not be required to know all of the information that is usually taught in high school. However, you will be tested on your ability to read and process information, solve problems, and communicate effectively.
Canadian Forces Aptitude Test
Every applicant to the Canadian Forces must write the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test. This is an important test as it gives your military career counselor an indication of what occupations you may be best suited for. At Next Step we help you prepare by tutoring you in all or some subjects that are on the test. You can also take a number of practice tests here so you’ll go into the CFAT with confidence and well prepared.
Police Analytical Thinking Inventory
The PATI or Police Analytical Thinking Inventory is the most common pre-employment test battery for police positions in Ontario, Canada. This test is used in the Ontario Police recruitment process. You can prepare for this test at Next Step. A tutor will help you through all the components of the PATI test and when you’re ready you can practice the test as often as is needed. When you feel confident enough to write, you can book the test.
How much does it cost?Upgrading is FREE- it doesn’t cost anything to get upgrading. Next Step is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development and our fundraisers.
What kind of upgrading do we offer?We offer many different upgrading options. Find more information on the different services we offer >>
What are your hours?Monday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Thursday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm We are closed on holidays.
Where do tutors and students meet?Tutors and students usually meet at Next Step at 16 Victoria St. in Alliston, ON across the street from the library. See a map of our location>>
How do I become a student?Come in and visit us! You can also send us an email – we will be happy to talk with you. We will schedule a time to meet with you and arrange a learning plan and tutor.
What if I don't like my program?If you don’t like your program we will change it for you. You are totally in control of your program and goals. Find more information on our programs >>
What if I can't learn?If you are not making progress we aren’t using the right materials or approach. Talk to your tutor or the office and we will make some changes.
What if I miss a class, will I have to tell you why?"No, you don’t have to tell us why you miss a class but we appreciate it when you call beforehand to let us know you will be missing a class. Please call as soon as you know you won’t be attending.
What happens if I miss a lot of classes?If you need to miss a class please call Next Step and we will contact your tutor to cancel your session. If you miss three classes without informing anyone we will probably have to remove you from our program.
What happens if I need vacation time?If you need vacation time you can talk to your tutor and inform the Training and Development Manager. They will arrange things for your vacation.
What if I can't come because I don't have transportation to get there or can't afford to pay for gas or pay for a babysitter?We can help. You will be asked to fill-in a form and provide us with proof of income and we will pay for taxi, mileage or a babysitter.